You should just be discounting expected utilities by the probability of the claims being true...
That’s another point. As I asked, what are the variables, where do I find the data? How can I calculate this probability based on arguments to be found on LW?
This IS NOT sufficient to scare people up to the point of having nightmares and ask them for most of their money.
I’m not trying to be a nuisance here, but it is the only point I’m making right now, and the one that can be traced right back through the context. It is extremely difficult to make progress in a conversation if I cannot make a point about a specific argument without being expected to argue against an overall position that I may or may not even disagree with. It makes me feel like my arguments must come armed as soldiers.
I’m sorry, I perceived your comment to be mainly about decision making regarding charities. Which is completely marginal since the SIAI is the only charity concerned with the risk I’m inquiring about. Is the risk in question even real and does its likelihood justify the consequences and arguments for action?
I inquired about the decisions making regarding charities because you claimed that what I stated about egg allocation is not the point being made. But I do not particularly care about that question as it is secondary.
That’s another point. As I asked, what are the variables, where do I find the data? How can I calculate this probability based on arguments to be found on LW?
This IS NOT sufficient to scare people up to the point of having nightmares and ask them for most of their money.
I’m not trying to be a nuisance here, but it is the only point I’m making right now, and the one that can be traced right back through the context. It is extremely difficult to make progress in a conversation if I cannot make a point about a specific argument without being expected to argue against an overall position that I may or may not even disagree with. It makes me feel like my arguments must come armed as soldiers.
I’m sorry, I perceived your comment to be mainly about decision making regarding charities. Which is completely marginal since the SIAI is the only charity concerned with the risk I’m inquiring about. Is the risk in question even real and does its likelihood justify the consequences and arguments for action?
I inquired about the decisions making regarding charities because you claimed that what I stated about egg allocation is not the point being made. But I do not particularly care about that question as it is secondary.