I can’t see how you can describe it as being in the territory.
I probably meant that the fact that indexical uncertainty is unavoidable, is part of the territory.
You can’t make a prediction about what exactly will happen to you, because different things will happen to different versions of you (thus, if you make any prediction of a specific outcome now, some future you will observe it was wrong). This inability to predict a specific outcome feels like probability; it feels like a situation where you don’t have perfect knowledge.
So it would be proper to say that “unpredictability of a specific outcome is part of the territory”—the difference is that one model of quantum physics believes there is intrinsic randomess involved, other model believes that in fact multiple specific outcomes happen (in different branches).
I probably meant that the fact that indexical uncertainty is unavoidable, is part of the territory.
You can’t make a prediction about what exactly will happen to you, because different things will happen to different versions of you (thus, if you make any prediction of a specific outcome now, some future you will observe it was wrong). This inability to predict a specific outcome feels like probability; it feels like a situation where you don’t have perfect knowledge.
So it would be proper to say that “unpredictability of a specific outcome is part of the territory”—the difference is that one model of quantum physics believes there is intrinsic randomess involved, other model believes that in fact multiple specific outcomes happen (in different branches).
OK, thanks, I see no problems with that.