The AI-related sci-fi series Caprica was recently cancelled, following in the footsteps of The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Odyssey 5. The last five episodes are planned to air sometime in 2011.
I haven’t watched the show, but comments I’ve seen on it include:
The only interesting story this series might have had to tell—how Cylons come about has pretty much been done in the pilot- a 16 year old girl developed AI in her spare time outside of school and she was put into a magical plot device processor and plugged into a robot.
I suppose if they’d had an actual progression towards developing true AI then it might well have looked too much like the Sarah Connor Chronicles but given both settings feature the significant plot of man builds AI which goes bad and then nukes man to fuck there would always be comparisons.
it’s taking its time with pretty complex subject matter- every movie or show about A.I. takes place after it was created, this is the only show I know of that addresses how it comes into being.
The AI-related sci-fi series Caprica was recently cancelled, following in the footsteps of The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Odyssey 5. The last five episodes are planned to air sometime in 2011.
I haven’t watched the show, but comments I’ve seen on it include:
Genii Lodus,, after a fairly harsh recap of the pilot:
JoCoLa, Reddit:
In another SDnet thread:
I’ve heard similar descriptions elsewhere; that the AI-related parts are there but diluted in frequently non-sci-fi plotlines.