A theory of time which models time as changing will use entities to represent ‘now’ and ‘change’-events, whereas a static-time theory will designate entities to points in time. The former is better suited to answer questions about now (and implementations built upon that will be faster on this kind of query) whereas the latter is better suited to answer questions about fixed points in time or compare these (and implementations based on this will be faster on these operations).
But that isn’t a duality in the mathematical sense, because there is no translation of change tfrom the dynamic scheme to the static scheme: it’s “horses for courses”.
How is that applicable to this particular case?
A theory of time which models time as changing will use entities to represent ‘now’ and ‘change’-events, whereas a static-time theory will designate entities to points in time. The former is better suited to answer questions about now (and implementations built upon that will be faster on this kind of query) whereas the latter is better suited to answer questions about fixed points in time or compare these (and implementations based on this will be faster on these operations).
But that isn’t a duality in the mathematical sense, because there is no translation of change tfrom the dynamic scheme to the static scheme: it’s “horses for courses”.