Good point. Given that Eliezer seems somewhat prone to saying moderately embarrassing things, it makes sense that he would want to hold discussions somewhere that’s not directly associated with PR-delicate organizations and communities, and where he might be more able to better control how public things are.
Good point. Given that Eliezer seems somewhat prone to saying moderately embarrassing things, it makes sense that he would want to hold discussions somewhere that’s not directly associated with PR-delicate organizations and communities, and where he might be more able to better control how public things are.
I hope you’re not calling LW “PR-delicate”...
I think Vulture’s saying LW is “directly associated” with PR-delicate organizations. MIRI and CFAR, maybe?
The problem with this line of reasoning is that EY himself is much more directly associated with these organizations.
Yeah, but reporters are less likely to end up on his facebook page, for example.
Yeah, pretty much. LW getting a bad rap wouldn’t matter for nickels if it wasn’t directly tied to MIRI&c and their ideas.