WHERE:151 N Craig St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Apt #7C.
Katja Grace will be giving a presentation on anthropics, a topic on
which she is quite a bit more knowledgeable than me. Afterwards,
we’ll go get some dinner.
Also—this will be my last LW meeting in Pittsburgh because I’m moving
to Mountain View, so you’d better all come and say goodbye, or at
least hello if you still haven’t come to one of these yet :)
See you all soon!
PS: the door code is *0511, or call 585 506 6900 when you arrive.
Meetup : Pittsburgh—Presentation on Anthropics
Discussion article for the meetup : Pittsburgh—Presentation on Anthropics
WHEN: 20 April 2012 06:00:00PM (-0400)
WHERE: 151 N Craig St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Apt #7C.
Katja Grace will be giving a presentation on anthropics, a topic on which she is quite a bit more knowledgeable than me. Afterwards, we’ll go get some dinner.
Also—this will be my last LW meeting in Pittsburgh because I’m moving to Mountain View, so you’d better all come and say goodbye, or at least hello if you still haven’t come to one of these yet :)
See you all soon!
PS: the door code is *0511, or call 585 506 6900 when you arrive.
Discussion article for the meetup : Pittsburgh—Presentation on Anthropics