I think it’d be good to put a visible deadline on the fundraising thermometer, now-ish or maybe just in the final week of the fundraiser. It conveys some urgency, like “oh shoot are we going to make the $X funding goal in time? I better donate some money to make that happen.”
Multiple deadlines ($2M by date Y, $3M by date Z) might be even better
Agree with this, but choosing the last day is hard because of various tax deadlines. I will make some call about a deadline in the next few days, my best guess is it will be around Jan 10th.
I think it’d be good to put a visible deadline on the fundraising thermometer, now-ish or maybe just in the final week of the fundraiser. It conveys some urgency, like “oh shoot are we going to make the $X funding goal in time? I better donate some money to make that happen.”
Multiple deadlines ($2M by date Y, $3M by date Z) might be even better
Agree with this, but choosing the last day is hard because of various tax deadlines. I will make some call about a deadline in the next few days, my best guess is it will be around Jan 10th.