I like how this guy complains about “internet blowhards” abusing this phrase, but then gets basic reporting of correlation in scientific papers wrong (by reporting causation in articles he wrote about those papers). There was a comment on that slate article calling him out on this.
This might me correlated http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/10/correlation_does_not_imply_causation_how_the_internet_fell_in_love_with_a_stats_class_clich_.single.html
I like how this guy complains about “internet blowhards” abusing this phrase, but then gets basic reporting of correlation in scientific papers wrong (by reporting causation in articles he wrote about those papers). There was a comment on that slate article calling him out on this.
Since it was the response to a quote from this article that gave me the idea, I’m going to infer that it’s causal.