Great answer, thanks. At the same time, I am reminded of gwern’s recent admonitions against “letting the better be the enemy of the good”:
I’m all in favor of giving the “correlation does not imply causation” meme better and more effective Internet visibility, perhaps with a friendly illustrated guide: “A simple explanation of association and causation”.
I’d be dead set against snarky content that runs even the slightest risk of making people feel dumb for knowing something that useful.
Great answer, thanks. At the same time, I am reminded of gwern’s recent admonitions against “letting the better be the enemy of the good”:
I’m all in favor of giving the “correlation does not imply causation” meme better and more effective Internet visibility, perhaps with a friendly illustrated guide: “A simple explanation of association and causation”.
I’d be dead set against snarky content that runs even the slightest risk of making people feel dumb for knowing something that useful.