Lineage has been considered sacred since before it was known what chemicals made it up—think royal families, horror at the idea of racial intermixing, etc. And I don’t see why that should change because we know what it’s made of—for other reasons maybe, but not that.
Because some of the crazy reasons people have had for believing in stupidities like the divine right of kings, blood purity, racial supremacy etc. DO NOT SURVIVE EXAMINATION when you understand the underlying process.
Once you re-name racial purity as, at best, a vulnerable monoculture (and at worst, inbreeding), racism becomes harder to defend intellectually. I have no idea how much its declining social acceptability is related to that. Probably not much. My intuition is that most “inbreeders” (as I call ’em) are not very intellectual about their racism anyway.
Lineage has been considered sacred since before it was known what chemicals made it up—think royal families, horror at the idea of racial intermixing, etc. And I don’t see why that should change because we know what it’s made of—for other reasons maybe, but not that.
Because some of the crazy reasons people have had for believing in stupidities like the divine right of kings, blood purity, racial supremacy etc. DO NOT SURVIVE EXAMINATION when you understand the underlying process.
Once you re-name racial purity as, at best, a vulnerable monoculture (and at worst, inbreeding), racism becomes harder to defend intellectually. I have no idea how much its declining social acceptability is related to that. Probably not much. My intuition is that most “inbreeders” (as I call ’em) are not very intellectual about their racism anyway.