[mod hat] – This felt an edge-case for “should it go on frontpage?”, and I might be convinced that it’s a good fit for frontpage as-is. It felt a bit like it was in the genre of “personal blogpost” (this does not intrinsically mean it shouldn’t go on frontpage, but suggests erring on the side of leaving it on the personal blog), and I got a vague twinge of “author is trying to persuade me of a thing.”
[mod hat] – This felt an edge-case for “should it go on frontpage?”, and I might be convinced that it’s a good fit for frontpage as-is. It felt a bit like it was in the genre of “personal blogpost” (this does not intrinsically mean it shouldn’t go on frontpage, but suggests erring on the side of leaving it on the personal blog), and I got a vague twinge of “author is trying to persuade me of a thing.”
Insightful feedback. I just started writing and it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. Thank you!