59 seconds has many experimentally-supported recommendations and useful details which are mostly distinct from each other, which seems ideal for spaced repetition cards. I much preferred it over Eat That Frog, although I only skimmed the latter.
Here is the link to a 59 Seconds deck that I created a while ago. I think it’s missing some stuff on parenting and attraction (and probably more), though—just though that I’d post it in case it was useful.
I haven’t used SRS in a while, so I haven’t upgraded to Anki 2 -- that’s why the deck is in my Dropbox instead of shared through Anki. If it doesn’t work, let me know.
I second the recommendation of experimentally-supported self help. Everyone would profit from knowing more about it.
If the deck is well made and the topic is interesting I will integrate it into my main Anki deck and give feedback to everything I consider suboptimal.
(I’m using Anki for ~1.5 years with 8500 cards in my main deck)
59 seconds has many experimentally-supported recommendations and useful details which are mostly distinct from each other, which seems ideal for spaced repetition cards. I much preferred it over Eat That Frog, although I only skimmed the latter.
Here is the link to a 59 Seconds deck that I created a while ago. I think it’s missing some stuff on parenting and attraction (and probably more), though—just though that I’d post it in case it was useful.
I haven’t used SRS in a while, so I haven’t upgraded to Anki 2 -- that’s why the deck is in my Dropbox instead of shared through Anki. If it doesn’t work, let me know.
I second the recommendation of experimentally-supported self help. Everyone would profit from knowing more about it.
If the deck is well made and the topic is interesting I will integrate it into my main Anki deck and give feedback to everything I consider suboptimal.
(I’m using Anki for ~1.5 years with 8500 cards in my main deck)