Generally, reasoning by analogy is not very well regarded here. But, nonetheless let me try to communicate.
Society doesn’t have a body other than people. Where societal norms have the greatest sway is when Individuals follow customs and traditions without thinking about them or get reactions that they cannot explain rationally.
Unfortunately, there is no way other than talking to and convincing individuals who are willing to look beyond those reactions and beyond those customs. Maybe they will slowly develop into a majority. Maybe all that they need is a critical mass beyond which they can branch into their own socio-political system. (As Peter Theil pointed out in one of his controversial talks)
Generally, reasoning by analogy is not very well regarded here. But, nonetheless let me try to communicate.
Society doesn’t have a body other than people. Where societal norms have the greatest sway is when Individuals follow customs and traditions without thinking about them or get reactions that they cannot explain rationally.
Unfortunately, there is no way other than talking to and convincing individuals who are willing to look beyond those reactions and beyond those customs. Maybe they will slowly develop into a majority. Maybe all that they need is a critical mass beyond which they can branch into their own socio-political system. (As Peter Theil pointed out in one of his controversial talks)