What are some strategies you use to “reduce the hit” when you’re about to take in potentially bad news? This is important b/c it’s sometimes important to face up “bad news” earlier rather than later, and there is social loss in some people not being able to face it until it’s too late, esp b/c some kinds of “bad news” aren’t as incorrigible as they may initially appear (just that you need out-of-distribution strategies to make the proper amends)
[some examples of bad news: irreversible data loss, cancer diagnosis, elevated epigenetic age, loss of important friend, someone overpromised and underdelivered on you and that affects many of the promises you made]
[as AGI timelines come “nearer”, “bad news” may come at faster frequencies, but OOD ways to solve them may also come faster]
[sometimes you can ask yourself “how much wealth would you need to take in any bad news”]. Wealth is not fully-completely interchangeable with youth/intelligence/universal social acceptance, but it DEFINITELY has potential for tipping the needle..
What are some strategies you use to “reduce the hit” when you’re about to take in potentially bad news? This is important b/c it’s sometimes important to face up “bad news” earlier rather than later, and there is social loss in some people not being able to face it until it’s too late, esp b/c some kinds of “bad news” aren’t as incorrigible as they may initially appear (just that you need out-of-distribution strategies to make the proper amends)
[some examples of bad news: irreversible data loss, cancer diagnosis, elevated epigenetic age, loss of important friend, someone overpromised and underdelivered on you and that affects many of the promises you made]
[as AGI timelines come “nearer”, “bad news” may come at faster frequencies, but OOD ways to solve them may also come faster]
[sometimes you can ask yourself “how much wealth would you need to take in any bad news”]. Wealth is not fully-completely interchangeable with youth/intelligence/universal social acceptance, but it DEFINITELY has potential for tipping the needle..