The Techdirt group blog uses a proven economic framework to analyze and offer insight into news stories about changes in government policy, technology and legal issues that affect companies’ ability to innovate and grow.
Here you basically get paid for good insights. A “team” of rationalists could be sent in to dominate this particular arena, thereby validating the technique. Basically any online arena where real money can be made is fair game. Trading in Second Life, for example.
Send rationalists to do consulting work where real money is involved, for example techdirt:
The Techdirt group blog uses a proven economic framework to analyze and offer insight into news stories about changes in government policy, technology and legal issues that affect companies’ ability to innovate and grow.
Here you basically get paid for good insights. A “team” of rationalists could be sent in to dominate this particular arena, thereby validating the technique. Basically any online arena where real money can be made is fair game. Trading in Second Life, for example.
The feature of “profitable in the real world” is very valuable. Keeps the test calibrated to what we’re interested in measuring.
Real-money, real-world prediction markets also have this feature; I wonder what other examples exist.