I simply recite, “I just do not believe what you have told me about this intergalactic superintelligence Omega”.
And of course, since I do not believe, the hypothetical questions asked by Newcomb problem enthusiasts become beneath my notice; my forming a belief about how to act rationally in this contrary-to-fact hypothetical situation cannot pay the rent.
Fair enough (upvoted); but I’m pretty sure Parfit’s Hitchhiker is analogous to Newcomb’s Problem, and that’s an absolutely possible real-world scenario. Eliezer presents it in chapter 7 of his TDT document.
Thank you, Eliezer. Now I know how to dissolve Newcomb type problems. (http://lesswrong.com/lw/nc/newcombs_problem_and_regret_of_rationality/)
I simply recite, “I just do not believe what you have told me about this intergalactic superintelligence Omega”.
And of course, since I do not believe, the hypothetical questions asked by Newcomb problem enthusiasts become beneath my notice; my forming a belief about how to act rationally in this contrary-to-fact hypothetical situation cannot pay the rent.
Fair enough (upvoted); but I’m pretty sure Parfit’s Hitchhiker is analogous to Newcomb’s Problem, and that’s an absolutely possible real-world scenario. Eliezer presents it in chapter 7 of his TDT document.