Although the outside view says it’s unlikely you’re correct in making such a strong statement, it’s of course more than possible that you really do have something that significant. Just remember that the design of human brain hardware is such that it requires a constant, extremely high level of vigilance to prevent the goals one has in mind from shifting imperceptibly from ‘optimizing for the goal in question’ to ‘optimizing for some sort of social approval somehow related to the goal’.
Keep in mind that you’re essentially telling us you have something that could be ridiculously important for the world, but that you can’t tell us about it yet. This makes it impossible for us to independently verify whether it’s actually true, which allows you to parade around signaling this awesome fact about yourself without worrying about really being put on the spot and being criticized, potentially finding that what you have isn’t as awesome as you thought it was.
Just as people tend to embellish the content of their dreams, and make slight changes to the details in order to make them better fit as an analogy or something like that for what they’re talking about, because nobody can look back at a recording and know whether it’s true or not (not yet, anyway), in the same way you’re setting yourself up in a situation where nobody can look at that ‘recording’ and verify whether you really have what you say you have, or not. You say you have something significant, but you tell us you can’t explain anything yet.
Just ask yourself, why did you write the OP, and why are you responding as you are? Are you sure this whole enterprise isn’t just your brain hijacking some effort you came up with in the past, for the purpose of feeling the fun emotional effects of telling people about how awesome you are? Why exactly did you write this post? Ostensibly it was to look for advice on something, but perhaps for your identity it was just an excuse to bring this stuff up, since you otherwise may not have had a chance to signal this whole thing.
Just remember: The best evidence that you really have something, rather than just thinking you do, for fun and games, would have been if you didn’t write any of these posts. If you can keep this to yourself until it really comes to fruition, not only will your brain be in a better position to optimize for being awesome instead of just looking like you’re awesome, but you’d have better evidence in your own mind that this isn’t all just an identity high.
To conclude though, I want to say that you might have something this significant, and I really hope you do. Education needs serious change, and if you have something that could cause as much progress as Isaac Newton’s treatise, then you will have done the world a great service. But until then, I urge you to never say anything to anyone that they can’t independently verify. God help your mission if you don’t heed this warning, because believe me you’ll be screwed. If you want to talk about this stuff, write some posts on what you do have clear in your mind, or what you can share. Maybe we’ll have some useful input, or otherwise maybe you’ll be put on the spot for real, and we can see that you really are awesome, instead of this loose stuff we’re dealing with right now.
One of the best pieces of advice one could get for clear thinking is the following: Don’t tell anybody anything they can’t independently verify, especially if it’s high stakes. For you, if you really have what you think you have, this is extremely high stakes. Please don’t say another word about this, forget about trying to show off until you can show them for real. Good luck to you, and I don’t think you’re crazy. Don’t say that. It’s just a hack you’re putting in place to allow yourself to say things that sound crazy without feeling like an idiot. Go back to trying to optimize for not sounding like a nutcase, because nobody here will think you are. We all have ambitions. Talk about them for real; expose them to real criticism. Or otherwise don’t talk about them.
Again: Good luck with your project. None of this is written to deter you. It’s written to put you in a better position to put into effect what you may well have. This world needs some serious help. Don’t let trying to impress people get in the way of the potential you have to do something great.
Although the outside view says it’s unlikely you’re correct in making such a strong statement, it’s of course more than possible that you really do have something that significant. Just remember that the design of human brain hardware is such that it requires a constant, extremely high level of vigilance to prevent the goals one has in mind from shifting imperceptibly from ‘optimizing for the goal in question’ to ‘optimizing for some sort of social approval somehow related to the goal’.
Keep in mind that you’re essentially telling us you have something that could be ridiculously important for the world, but that you can’t tell us about it yet. This makes it impossible for us to independently verify whether it’s actually true, which allows you to parade around signaling this awesome fact about yourself without worrying about really being put on the spot and being criticized, potentially finding that what you have isn’t as awesome as you thought it was.
Just as people tend to embellish the content of their dreams, and make slight changes to the details in order to make them better fit as an analogy or something like that for what they’re talking about, because nobody can look back at a recording and know whether it’s true or not (not yet, anyway), in the same way you’re setting yourself up in a situation where nobody can look at that ‘recording’ and verify whether you really have what you say you have, or not. You say you have something significant, but you tell us you can’t explain anything yet.
Just ask yourself, why did you write the OP, and why are you responding as you are? Are you sure this whole enterprise isn’t just your brain hijacking some effort you came up with in the past, for the purpose of feeling the fun emotional effects of telling people about how awesome you are? Why exactly did you write this post? Ostensibly it was to look for advice on something, but perhaps for your identity it was just an excuse to bring this stuff up, since you otherwise may not have had a chance to signal this whole thing.
Just remember: The best evidence that you really have something, rather than just thinking you do, for fun and games, would have been if you didn’t write any of these posts. If you can keep this to yourself until it really comes to fruition, not only will your brain be in a better position to optimize for being awesome instead of just looking like you’re awesome, but you’d have better evidence in your own mind that this isn’t all just an identity high.
To conclude though, I want to say that you might have something this significant, and I really hope you do. Education needs serious change, and if you have something that could cause as much progress as Isaac Newton’s treatise, then you will have done the world a great service. But until then, I urge you to never say anything to anyone that they can’t independently verify. God help your mission if you don’t heed this warning, because believe me you’ll be screwed. If you want to talk about this stuff, write some posts on what you do have clear in your mind, or what you can share. Maybe we’ll have some useful input, or otherwise maybe you’ll be put on the spot for real, and we can see that you really are awesome, instead of this loose stuff we’re dealing with right now.
One of the best pieces of advice one could get for clear thinking is the following: Don’t tell anybody anything they can’t independently verify, especially if it’s high stakes. For you, if you really have what you think you have, this is extremely high stakes. Please don’t say another word about this, forget about trying to show off until you can show them for real. Good luck to you, and I don’t think you’re crazy. Don’t say that. It’s just a hack you’re putting in place to allow yourself to say things that sound crazy without feeling like an idiot. Go back to trying to optimize for not sounding like a nutcase, because nobody here will think you are. We all have ambitions. Talk about them for real; expose them to real criticism. Or otherwise don’t talk about them.
Again: Good luck with your project. None of this is written to deter you. It’s written to put you in a better position to put into effect what you may well have. This world needs some serious help. Don’t let trying to impress people get in the way of the potential you have to do something great.