Minimum Viable Products have been done, hence the excitement… just built mainly for markets where the ultimate “consumers” have pretty much no influence over “purchasing policy”… and stuff …
It’s not a theory of learning, but a theory of instruction...
As to “smarter than me”, I didn’t develop the theory, and it’s largely dumb luck I came across all the puzzle pieces in a way that made it perfectly obvious how much of a Big Deal the implications could be...
A year ago, I’d’ve talked your ear off at this point trying to explain how damn cool this is and how much you should care, but now I’m wondering if I should shut up and keep it to myself for a while longer...
I mean, you could extract the information from various crackpot rants that I’ve left around the web, but… I think I’m safe from you making the effort at this point. xD
Okay, so I didn’t really think about whether I wanted to get into this at all beforehand, and I need to talk to my partner.
I have a bunch of moving-to-another-country practical matters I should be focusing on right now anyway.
Minimum Viable Products have been done, hence the excitement… just built mainly for markets where the ultimate “consumers” have pretty much no influence over “purchasing policy”… and stuff …
It’s not a theory of learning, but a theory of instruction...
As to “smarter than me”, I didn’t develop the theory, and it’s largely dumb luck I came across all the puzzle pieces in a way that made it perfectly obvious how much of a Big Deal the implications could be...
A year ago, I’d’ve talked your ear off at this point trying to explain how damn cool this is and how much you should care, but now I’m wondering if I should shut up and keep it to myself for a while longer...
I mean, you could extract the information from various crackpot rants that I’ve left around the web, but… I think I’m safe from you making the effort at this point. xD
Okay, so I didn’t really think about whether I wanted to get into this at all beforehand, and I need to talk to my partner.
I have a bunch of moving-to-another-country practical matters I should be focusing on right now anyway.
I’ll get back to you guys in a few days.