If orcas were actually that smart wouldn’t it be dangerous to talk to them for exactly the same reasons it would be dangerous to talk to a superintelligence?
By >=+6std I mean potential of how smart they could be if they were trained similarly to us, not actual current intelligence. Sorry I didn’t write this in this post, though I did in others.
I’d be extremely shocked if orcas were actually that smart already. They don’t have science and they aren’t trained in abstract reasoning.
Like, when an orca is +7std, he’d be like a +7std hunter gatherer human, who is probably not all that good at abstract reasoning tasks (like learning a language through brute-force abstract pattern recognition). (EDIT: Ok actually it would be like a +7std hunter gatherer society, which might be significantly different. Idk what I’m supposed to expect there. Still wouldn’t expect it to be dangerous to talk to them though. And actually when I think about +7std societies I must admit that this sounds not that likely. That they ought to have more information exchange outside their pods and related pods or so and coordinate better. I guess that updates me downwards a bit on orcas being actually that smart—aka I hadn’t previously properly considered effects from +7std cultural evolution rather than just individual intelligence.)
If orcas were actually that smart wouldn’t it be dangerous to talk to them for exactly the same reasons it would be dangerous to talk to a superintelligence?
By >=+6std I mean potential of how smart they could be if they were trained similarly to us, not actual current intelligence. Sorry I didn’t write this in this post, though I did in others.
I’d be extremely shocked if orcas were actually that smart already. They don’t have science and they aren’t trained in abstract reasoning.
Like, when an orca is +7std, he’d be like a +7std hunter gatherer human, who is probably not all that good at abstract reasoning tasks (like learning a language through brute-force abstract pattern recognition). (EDIT: Ok actually it would be like a +7std hunter gatherer society, which might be significantly different. Idk what I’m supposed to expect there. Still wouldn’t expect it to be dangerous to talk to them though. And actually when I think about +7std societies I must admit that this sounds not that likely. That they ought to have more information exchange outside their pods and related pods or so and coordinate better. I guess that updates me downwards a bit on orcas being actually that smart—aka I hadn’t previously properly considered effects from +7std cultural evolution rather than just individual intelligence.)