If you have not read The Ultimate Meta Mega Crossover, you probably should, because it is genre-aware of its genre awareness, maybe a few more levels of meta-ness, or that kind of infinitely recursive meta-ness of this kind of selfawareness taken to the insane logical conclusions.
The spoilers for Permutation City are total—Meta Mega Crossover contains an explanation of the ending of Permutation City. The Fire Upon the Deep spoilers aren’t nearly as complete.
Yes.. I’m still looking for a nonfiction explanation of the concepts in the Crossover. Given the size of the archive here, it wouldn’t surprise me if Eliezer already wrote one, but I’d never be able to find it.
I like your explanation, because it seems that the logical endpoint of your hypothesis would be my prediction that rationalist!Harry becomes Harry in the universe of the The Finale of the Ultimate Meta Mega Crossover .
If you have not read The Ultimate Meta Mega Crossover, you probably should, because it is genre-aware of its genre awareness, maybe a few more levels of meta-ness, or that kind of infinitely recursive meta-ness of this kind of selfawareness taken to the insane logical conclusions.
The spoilers for Permutation City are total—Meta Mega Crossover contains an explanation of the ending of Permutation City. The Fire Upon the Deep spoilers aren’t nearly as complete.
A link to a link to download Permutation City: http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=13&t=15223&s=.
Yes.. I’m still looking for a nonfiction explanation of the concepts in the Crossover. Given the size of the archive here, it wouldn’t surprise me if Eliezer already wrote one, but I’d never be able to find it.