The Amish are actually a good example, they live quite differently today than they used to in the past and they’re starting to embrace non-indigenous technology; some examples include more use of things like cellphones and motorcycles. If given 100 years, would the Amish still live as they do today? It’s very likely in my opinion that they won’t. There have been many ultra-conservative religious movements in the world that persisted for centuries and then died out in a single generation due to changing factors in the external world.
The Amish are actually a good example, they live quite differently today than they used to in the past and they’re starting to embrace non-indigenous technology; some examples include more use of things like cellphones and motorcycles. If given 100 years, would the Amish still live as they do today? It’s very likely in my opinion that they won’t. There have been many ultra-conservative religious movements in the world that persisted for centuries and then died out in a single generation due to changing factors in the external world.