The content of this post that you deemed somewhat controversial doesn’t appear that controversial to me. It looks like an in depth account of your System 1 if you’re an expert in an area. I thought this when you used the chess example, because that’s perhaps the most common example people use to show how our heuristics aren’t always detrimental to our performance, and can in fact be better than system 2 at times.
Thanks for mentioning the different fields of study of expertise by the way. Could you recommend any popular level books that represent these silos? Also, where does Philip Tetlock’s “Expert Political Judgement” fit in?
The content of this post that you deemed somewhat controversial doesn’t appear that controversial to me. It looks like an in depth account of your System 1 if you’re an expert in an area. I thought this when you used the chess example, because that’s perhaps the most common example people use to show how our heuristics aren’t always detrimental to our performance, and can in fact be better than system 2 at times.
Thanks for mentioning the different fields of study of expertise by the way. Could you recommend any popular level books that represent these silos? Also, where does Philip Tetlock’s “Expert Political Judgement” fit in?
It’s the fact that it works so well that I deemed surprising.
Tetlock… has done recent work in the combining expertise area.
Tetlock and others: