Someone was having trouble finding good resources for learning Nemeth (the braille format specialized for mathematics); ancient books, programs only available on 3.5floppies, screen reader unfriendly unicode tables, etc. So I wrote a quick guide in roughly half an hour that, according to the person needing such a guide, is actually pretty useful. If I want to go into bragging mode, I seem to have single-handedly half-assed Nemeth into the twenty-first century. (This reenforces my idea that a blindness organization that’s actually based out of the 21st century would be extremely useful, and I’d totally try to start one if I had the necessary skills to organize people better at some of the involved tasks than I am. Besides, making learning Nemeth more accessible to a modern audience isn’t going to do much if braille technology is still horribly impractical.)
Someone was having trouble finding good resources for learning Nemeth (the braille format specialized for mathematics); ancient books, programs only available on 3.5floppies, screen reader unfriendly unicode tables, etc. So I wrote a quick guide in roughly half an hour that, according to the person needing such a guide, is actually pretty useful. If I want to go into bragging mode, I seem to have single-handedly half-assed Nemeth into the twenty-first century. (This reenforces my idea that a blindness organization that’s actually based out of the 21st century would be extremely useful, and I’d totally try to start one if I had the necessary skills to organize people better at some of the involved tasks than I am. Besides, making learning Nemeth more accessible to a modern audience isn’t going to do much if braille technology is still horribly impractical.)