Next month: porting it to C from Java, so that I can actually run the thing without crashing my computer.
This should never happen; C should not be able to crash your computer, any more than Java. Ignoring considerations such as Java being the devil’s kimchi...
From Java, to C, not the other way around. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m basically brute-forcing this in favor of accuracy: I’m populating a 1000x1000x2000 volume with world-paths and doing Lorentz transforms on the lot.
I’m pretty sure researchers deal with millions of data points all the time, so I don’t think this is unreasonable, but then I’m also new to serious programming as I noted above, so who knows.
1000x1000x2000 is.. hm two gigabytes at one byte per point, so probably at least eight, and possibly more depending on Java types and what exactly you’re storing.
You probably want some form of sparse array, or something more suited to the problem at hand.
It shouldn’t be possible to crash your computer by running out of memory (it’ll just kill the program instead), but it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference when swap gets involved.
Oh, I’m using a sparse array all right—I “only” have to deal with, oh, 10,000,000 actual voxels. And to be fair, I was being colloquial, not accurate (in retrospect that was foolish on a site so closely linked to AI research) - JVM just threw an OutOfMemoryException and exited gracefully.
It’ll vary depending on JVM and Java version and Operating System, but a modern 32-bit Windows environment will default to a maximum heap size of 1/4th of total available memory or 256 MB, and even a 64-bit Windows or Linux server-mode Java environment usually defaults to only one or two GB. With ‘only’ 10 million voxels, those defaults only give you 200 bytes per voxel in the best-case scenario (and 25.6 bytes per voxel in a plausible scenario), which can be deceptively easy to overfill.
You can change that with the -Xmx option when initiating the JVM in order to use more available RAM, which may at least buy you additional time. Software profilers will also let you get a better idea of how much space you’re allocating, as well.
If you want the system to be growable beyond the current point, you probably need a better way to compartmentalize the design and work on smaller subsets individually, though.
Barring poorly configured operating systems or pointer arithmetic, you shouldn’t be /able/ to run into situations where your computer (rather than the program) crashes—modern OS and language design focuses on preventing this errors, because they’re often tied to attacks on the operating system. That’s actually more true with Java and similar languages like C#, where direct memory access is hard, than in C.
That said, you are talking a 2-billion-deep set. The program itself is likely to run out of available memory space (or fail a m_alloc silently, causing something later to go terribly wrong) in a 32-bit Windows mode. Default java virtual machine settings also usually trend to significantly less memory than even that. You may want to test it in a smaller volume first.
It works fine in a smaller volume (and see cousin, I’m using a sparse array already so I only have to deal with about 10 million voxels in the final project.) I’m switching to Java because I’m pretty sure my computer can handle the data, so long as I’m not doing anything else in the meantime.
This should never happen; C should not be able to crash your computer, any more than Java. Ignoring considerations such as Java being the devil’s kimchi...
Do you want to talk about it?
From Java, to C, not the other way around. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m basically brute-forcing this in favor of accuracy: I’m populating a 1000x1000x2000 volume with world-paths and doing Lorentz transforms on the lot.
I’m pretty sure researchers deal with millions of data points all the time, so I don’t think this is unreasonable, but then I’m also new to serious programming as I noted above, so who knows.
1000x1000x2000 is.. hm two gigabytes at one byte per point, so probably at least eight, and possibly more depending on Java types and what exactly you’re storing.
You probably want some form of sparse array, or something more suited to the problem at hand.
It shouldn’t be possible to crash your computer by running out of memory (it’ll just kill the program instead), but it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference when swap gets involved.
Oh, I’m using a sparse array all right—I “only” have to deal with, oh, 10,000,000 actual voxels. And to be fair, I was being colloquial, not accurate (in retrospect that was foolish on a site so closely linked to AI research) - JVM just threw an OutOfMemoryException and exited gracefully.
It’ll vary depending on JVM and Java version and Operating System, but a modern 32-bit Windows environment will default to a maximum heap size of 1/4th of total available memory or 256 MB, and even a 64-bit Windows or Linux server-mode Java environment usually defaults to only one or two GB. With ‘only’ 10 million voxels, those defaults only give you 200 bytes per voxel in the best-case scenario (and 25.6 bytes per voxel in a plausible scenario), which can be deceptively easy to overfill.
You can change that with the -Xmx option when initiating the JVM in order to use more available RAM, which may at least buy you additional time. Software profilers will also let you get a better idea of how much space you’re allocating, as well.
If you want the system to be growable beyond the current point, you probably need a better way to compartmentalize the design and work on smaller subsets individually, though.
Barring poorly configured operating systems or pointer arithmetic, you shouldn’t be /able/ to run into situations where your computer (rather than the program) crashes—modern OS and language design focuses on preventing this errors, because they’re often tied to attacks on the operating system. That’s actually more true with Java and similar languages like C#, where direct memory access is hard, than in C.
That said, you are talking a 2-billion-deep set. The program itself is likely to run out of available memory space (or fail a m_alloc silently, causing something later to go terribly wrong) in a 32-bit Windows mode. Default java virtual machine settings also usually trend to significantly less memory than even that. You may want to test it in a smaller volume first.
It works fine in a smaller volume (and see cousin, I’m using a sparse array already so I only have to deal with about 10 million voxels in the final project.) I’m switching to Java because I’m pretty sure my computer can handle the data, so long as I’m not doing anything else in the meantime.