Yes, definitely. I frequently use Evernote to save online references (one of my notebooks is actually named “(Intellectual) References” and has stuff like academic articles that I later want to refer to) because the ability to tag, comment, and later search these web clips makes bookmarks seem completely useless. I also use Evernote for journaling purposes and as a way to improve exam studying.
Before an exam, I go through my handwritten notes and other class materials and compile a summary in Evernote. This ensures that I have a record of the most important things from my classes (some of which I would otherwise forget), as well as makes studying for a cumulative test easy.
Sorry for the long answer, but yes, I still find Evernote awesome.
Yes, definitely. I frequently use Evernote to save online references (one of my notebooks is actually named “(Intellectual) References” and has stuff like academic articles that I later want to refer to) because the ability to tag, comment, and later search these web clips makes bookmarks seem completely useless. I also use Evernote for journaling purposes and as a way to improve exam studying.
Before an exam, I go through my handwritten notes and other class materials and compile a summary in Evernote. This ensures that I have a record of the most important things from my classes (some of which I would otherwise forget), as well as makes studying for a cumulative test easy.
Sorry for the long answer, but yes, I still find Evernote awesome.
(That was two paragraphs. I weep for the future of humanity :-).) Thanks!