Thanks for the feedback, which I genuinely appreciate, your tone not withstanding. Can you give an example or two of parts that you find dry and boring that you think would have been interesting if presented by somebody else?
My impression is that people’s reaction to my first two posts was similar to your own, but that they liked the last one about the distribution of perceptions of attractiveness. I haven’t gotten much feedback on this one yet.
I agree that there’s much room for improvement on the front of making the material more engaging, but doing so is not easy—one has to cooptimize for readability, rhetorical flourish, and respect for the subtlety of the facts involved. I think Yvain / Scott Alexander could do a very good job—maybe I can interest him. You’re welcome to give it a go if you’d like :-).
Thanks for the feedback, which I genuinely appreciate, your tone not withstanding. Can you give an example or two of parts that you find dry and boring that you think would have been interesting if presented by somebody else?
My impression is that people’s reaction to my first two posts was similar to your own, but that they liked the last one about the distribution of perceptions of attractiveness. I haven’t gotten much feedback on this one yet.
I agree that there’s much room for improvement on the front of making the material more engaging, but doing so is not easy—one has to cooptimize for readability, rhetorical flourish, and respect for the subtlety of the facts involved. I think Yvain / Scott Alexander could do a very good job—maybe I can interest him. You’re welcome to give it a go if you’d like :-).
Well, few people can write as well as Scott. But for those us not natural at writing, providing an entertaining summary upfront would be a good start.