all religions know plenty of “emotional hacks” to help disciples with any kind of schedules/routines/rituals—by simply assigning them emotional value… “it pleases god(s)” or is “in harmony with Gaia” , perhaps also “it’s good for the nation” (nationalistic religions) or “it’s progressive” (for socialist religions)
do it for your rationally created schemes and it makes wonders, however contradictory it may look like (it’s good for Singularity—or to prevent/manage it)
well, contradictory… on the first look only—if you realize you are just another humANIMAL driven by your inner DeepAnimal primordial reward functions, there’s no more controversy
on the contrary, it’s completely natural and one can even argue that without some kind of (deliberately and rationally introduced) emotional hacks you cannot get too far… because that DeepAnimal will catch you sooner or later, or at least will influence you, and what’s worst, without you being even aware
all religions know plenty of “emotional hacks” to help disciples with any kind of schedules/routines/rituals—by simply assigning them emotional value… “it pleases god(s)” or is “in harmony with Gaia” , perhaps also “it’s good for the nation” (nationalistic religions) or “it’s progressive” (for socialist religions)
do it for your rationally created schemes and it makes wonders, however contradictory it may look like (it’s good for Singularity—or to prevent/manage it)
well, contradictory… on the first look only—if you realize you are just another humANIMAL driven by your inner DeepAnimal primordial reward functions, there’s no more controversy
on the contrary, it’s completely natural and one can even argue that without some kind of (deliberately and rationally introduced) emotional hacks you cannot get too far… because that DeepAnimal will catch you sooner or later, or at least will influence you, and what’s worst, without you being even aware