I’ve found that a lot of music takes 5+ listens before I really start to enjoy it.
I may simply have less musical sophistication than most (I’ve got more than a decade of choir experience under my belt, but have developed neither a familiarity with the mechanics of music nor a significant body of opinions,) but I more often experience the opposite. As a piece of music becomes familiar, it gradually loses its power to move me.
I may simply have less musical sophistication than most (I’ve got more than a decade of choir experience under my belt, but have developed neither a familiarity with the mechanics of music nor a significant body of opinions,) but I more often experience the opposite. As a piece of music becomes familiar, it gradually loses its power to move me.
That happens to me too. Enjoyment peaks between 5 and 25 listens.
For me, the first is generally the best.
Although if I don’t like a song quite a bit the first time I don’t deliberately subject myself to it repeatedly.
Does the ability to enjoy a piece of music come back if you haven’t heard it for a while?
More than if I’ve heard it a lot recently, but not to the point that it’s like listening to it for the first time.