Granted there would be religious people, I do not think there would be creationists. Granted for the sake of argument a few people sufficiently smart are now creationists, were everyone that smart, the community of creationists might shrink until having such opinions about biology would be as isolating as analogous literalist Biblical opinions about the “four corners of the Earth”. Absent a supporting community, only seriously deluded smart people, such as might also think themselves Napoleon, would be creationists.
Yes there would. Much, much smarter != freed from cognitive biases.
Granted there would be religious people, I do not think there would be creationists. Granted for the sake of argument a few people sufficiently smart are now creationists, were everyone that smart, the community of creationists might shrink until having such opinions about biology would be as isolating as analogous literalist Biblical opinions about the “four corners of the Earth”. Absent a supporting community, only seriously deluded smart people, such as might also think themselves Napoleon, would be creationists.