When promoting the truth, if you value the truth, it is wise to use especially those methods that rely on the truth being true. That way, if you have accidentally misidentified the truth, there is an automatic safety valve.
What you say is true; but associating the community for the search of the best way of looking for the truth (promoting truth? where would we take a fully-reliable truth?) with some irrelevant purely emotional symbolics doesn’t affect this safety valve.
It is not a Bayesian Conspiracy, it is Less Wrong—so if our old methods are wrong, it is the hippest thing to cast them away and become Less Wrong!
When promoting the truth, if you value the truth, it is wise to use especially those methods that rely on the truth being true. That way, if you have accidentally misidentified the truth, there is an automatic safety valve.
What you say is true; but associating the community for the search of the best way of looking for the truth (promoting truth? where would we take a fully-reliable truth?) with some irrelevant purely emotional symbolics doesn’t affect this safety valve.
It is not a Bayesian Conspiracy, it is Less Wrong—so if our old methods are wrong, it is the hippest thing to cast them away and become Less Wrong!