If anyone could find the following, I’d appreciate it.
Funk JR, Watson RA, Cormier JM, Guzman H, Bonugli E. Kinematics and kinetics of vigorous head shaking. J Appl Biomech. 2015 Jun;31(3):170-5.
’twas on Libgen: http://libgen.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1123%2Fjab.2014-0161
If anyone could find the following, I’d appreciate it.
Funk JR, Watson RA, Cormier JM, Guzman H, Bonugli E. Kinematics and kinetics of vigorous head shaking. J Appl Biomech. 2015 Jun;31(3):170-5.
’twas on Libgen: http://libgen.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1123%2Fjab.2014-0161