It occurs to me that the pleasure/displeasure balance differs radically for the senses.
Obviously for our sense of pain, displeasure is favored / has more of the range, though it’s also possible to have “a good ache” or other uses of pain as part of a pleasurable experience.
But for taste, I’m pretty sure I’ve never tasted anything even a quarter as bad as beef wellington is good. This includes raw bugs, etc. Taste just seems to be more about signalling good things than bad.
Smell and touch seem to be slightly positive-biased as well, while temperature sense seems biased negative. Sight and hearing seem positive-biased in normal circumstances but have lots of negative range in damaging/painful conditions that sometimes crop up.
It occurs to me that the pleasure/displeasure balance differs radically for the senses.
Obviously for our sense of pain, displeasure is favored / has more of the range, though it’s also possible to have “a good ache” or other uses of pain as part of a pleasurable experience.
But for taste, I’m pretty sure I’ve never tasted anything even a quarter as bad as beef wellington is good. This includes raw bugs, etc. Taste just seems to be more about signalling good things than bad.
Smell and touch seem to be slightly positive-biased as well, while temperature sense seems biased negative. Sight and hearing seem positive-biased in normal circumstances but have lots of negative range in damaging/painful conditions that sometimes crop up.
Interesting observations! “Increase happiness 5% by removing your sense of temperature”
Only problem is you would surely burn yourself or get heat stroke etc often. Hence the negative bias I suppose.