You could put strict statistical definitions around it if you wanted, but the general idea is, ‘infants grow up to be self-aware adults’.
This may not always be true for exotic species. Plenty of species in nature, for example, reproduce by throwing out millions of eggs / spores/ what have you that only a small fraction of which grow up to be adults. Ideally, any sort of rule you’d come up with should be universal, regardless of the form of intelligence.
At some point, some computer programs would have to be considered to be people and have a right to existence. But at what stage of development would that happen?
‘This being will, given standard development, gain self-awareness’ is a common reason that I missed.
I am partially confused by it, because this notion of “standard development” is not easily defined, like “default” in negotiations.
You could put strict statistical definitions around it if you wanted, but the general idea is, ‘infants grow up to be self-aware adults’.
This may not always be true for exotic species. Plenty of species in nature, for example, reproduce by throwing out millions of eggs / spores/ what have you that only a small fraction of which grow up to be adults. Ideally, any sort of rule you’d come up with should be universal, regardless of the form of intelligence.
At some point, some computer programs would have to be considered to be people and have a right to existence. But at what stage of development would that happen?