The quick upvoting suggests people are interested in this. If people have more questions about how to write a publishable philosophy paper, I’m happy to take them.
The advice looks great (and I say that as an academic in a field whose professional structure is not that different from philosophy).
Frankly, I think people are upvoting it so much not only because it’s a very good post, but because they really wish that SIAI would take your advice and do all this stuff.
Yes. Considering how hard SIAI is trying to get taken seriously by the mainstream academic community, you’d think that they would already be doing this.
Simply put, we don’t have anyone who can except Carl Shulman and myself. I’m busy writing a book. I think Carl actually is doing papers but I’m not sure this is his highest-priority subject.
It might be that hiring a real professor to supervise would enable us to get this sort of work out of a postdoc going through the Visiting Fellows program, but that itself is not easy.
The quick upvoting suggests people are interested in this. If people have more questions about how to write a publishable philosophy paper, I’m happy to take them.
The advice looks great (and I say that as an academic in a field whose professional structure is not that different from philosophy).
Frankly, I think people are upvoting it so much not only because it’s a very good post, but because they really wish that SIAI would take your advice and do all this stuff.
Yes. Considering how hard SIAI is trying to get taken seriously by the mainstream academic community, you’d think that they would already be doing this.
Simply put, we don’t have anyone who can except Carl Shulman and myself. I’m busy writing a book. I think Carl actually is doing papers but I’m not sure this is his highest-priority subject.
It might be that hiring a real professor to supervise would enable us to get this sort of work out of a postdoc going through the Visiting Fellows program, but that itself is not easy.