This deserves to be on the front page. A handful of people at Less Wrong have been saying this for a year or more, but none of them have offered a step-by-step plan as wonderfully detailed as this one. SIAI should indeed publish their ideas in more mainstream journals—as you point out, how else are we really going to put these ideas to the test?
This deserves to be on the front page. A handful of people at Less Wrong have been saying this for a year or more, but none of them have offered a step-by-step plan as wonderfully detailed as this one. SIAI should indeed publish their ideas in more mainstream journals—as you point out, how else are we really going to put these ideas to the test?
I think this is too meta and SAIA-specific and poorly (quickly) written to be front-page material, but thanks for your support.
nod. The large ‘conversational’ sections are more ‘discussion’ directed. The more concise and direct bullet point sections would fit the front page.