(Lately, it’s seemed to me that focusing my time on nearer-term / early but post-AGI futures seems better than spending my time discussing ideas like these on the margin, but this may be more of a fact about myself than it is about other people, I’m not sure.)
I endorse Three worlds collide as a fun and insightful read. It states upfront that it does not feature AGI:
This is a story of an impossible outcome, where AI never worked, molecular nanotechnology never worked, biotechnology only sort-of worked; and yet somehow humanity not only survived, but discovered a way to travel Faster-Than-Light: The past’s Future.
Yet, it’s themes are quite relevant for civilization-scale outer alignment.
Some things I’ve found useful for thinking about what the post-AGI future might look like:
Moore’s Law for Everything
Carl Shulman’s podcasts with Dwarkesh (part 1, part 2)
Carl Shulman’s podcasts with 80000hours
Age of Em (or the much shorter review by Scott Alexander)
More philosophical:
Letter from Utopia by Nick Bostrom
Actually possible: thoughts on Utopia by Joe Carlsmith
Pantheon (TV show)
Do people have recommendations for things to add to the list?
Some more links from the philosophical side that I’ve found myself returning to a lot:
The fun theory sequence
Three worlds collide
(Lately, it’s seemed to me that focusing my time on nearer-term / early but post-AGI futures seems better than spending my time discussing ideas like these on the margin, but this may be more of a fact about myself than it is about other people, I’m not sure.)
I endorse Three worlds collide as a fun and insightful read. It states upfront that it does not feature AGI:
Yet, it’s themes are quite relevant for civilization-scale outer alignment.
Some Wait But Why links on this topic:
And some books by Kurzweil:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZJRMWVS/?bestFormat=true&k=the singularity is nearer by ray kurzweil&ref_=nb_sb_ss_w_scx-ent-pd-bk-m-si_de_k0_1_8&crid=X3GZ8HDDAEPI&sprefix=the sing
Holden Karnosfky published a list of “Utopia links” in his blog Cold Takes back in 2021:
I forcefully endorse Chaser 6. I find myself thinking about it about once a month at a rough guess. The rest I haven’t checked.
The Utopia links were motivated by Karnosfky’s previous writings about Utopia in Cold Takes: Why describing Utopia Goes Badly and Visualizing Utopia.