I found this tricky to parse because of two phrasing issues:
The post depends a lot on what you mean by “school” (high school versus undergrad).
I feel confused about what claim you’re making about the waiting room strategy: you say that some people shouldn’t use it, but you don’t actually claim that anyone in particular should use it. So are you just mentioning that it’s a possible strategy? Or are you implying that it should be the default strategy?
All of the above but it seems pretty hard to have an impact as a high schooler, and many impact avenues aren’t technically “positions” (e.g. influencer)
I think that everyone expect “Extremely resilient individuals who expect to get an impactful position (including independent research) very quickly” is probably better off following the strategy.
I found this tricky to parse because of two phrasing issues:
The post depends a lot on what you mean by “school” (high school versus undergrad).
I feel confused about what claim you’re making about the waiting room strategy: you say that some people shouldn’t use it, but you don’t actually claim that anyone in particular should use it. So are you just mentioning that it’s a possible strategy? Or are you implying that it should be the default strategy?
All of the above but it seems pretty hard to have an impact as a high schooler, and many impact avenues aren’t technically “positions” (e.g. influencer)
I think that everyone expect “Extremely resilient individuals who expect to get an impactful position (including independent research) very quickly” is probably better off following the strategy.