Caledonian—why do you keep asking questions I’ve already answered? Once again, just follow my above link.
I am amazed at your ability to deal with problems in your arguments by making them even more problematic, but you’ve answered nothing. You’ve introduced new elements which you now assert resolve the problems, but all you’ve done is elaborate the incoherence.
You say, quote, “Consciousness explains why we have the beliefs we do, because without it, we wouldn’t have any genuine beliefs at all.”
Since ‘zombies’ would supposedly behave the same as ‘conscious people’, your ‘consciousness’ explains absolutely nothing! You’ve asserted another property of beliefs, ‘genuineness’, and now say that beliefs aren’t genuine without consciousness. So how do you determine whether a given belief is genuine or not? By determining whether the being that holds it is conscious, I’d wager. And how do you do that? Why, by seeing whether their beliefs are genuine!
You’ve accounted for a referentless term by making up a new referentless term. That’s all.
You say, quote, “Consciousness explains why we have the beliefs we do, because without it, we wouldn’t have any genuine beliefs at all.”
Since ‘zombies’ would supposedly behave the same as ‘conscious people’, your ‘consciousness’ explains absolutely nothing! You’ve asserted another property of beliefs, ‘genuineness’, and now say that beliefs aren’t genuine without consciousness. So how do you determine whether a given belief is genuine or not? By determining whether the being that holds it is conscious, I’d wager. And how do you do that? Why, by seeing whether their beliefs are genuine!
You’ve accounted for a referentless term by making up a new referentless term. That’s all.