It’s interesting that you ask that question will ignoring my request to define what you mean with LW.
I think that if you thought for 5 minutes on this topic (improvement of LW), you would not have this opinion.
If you would search posts that I have written on the topic, would would see that I spent many hours thinking about this topic.
Basically the only way for you to hold this misconception is by being ignorant of prior discussions on the subject on LW. The fact that you haven’t read them suggests to me that you have thought relatively little compared to the amount of thought I put into the subject.
Do you claim segregation of topics would not organize this site?
I think having too much segregation of topic is one of the reasons why the QS forum doesn’t work (where I’m a moderator but lost this argument).
I say that as someone who did moderate a big personal development forum for 4 years and who has been asked for advice by other people starting personal development forums.
How much experience do you have in shaping online communities?
Do we agree change has to be deliberately chosen to be an improvement?
No, I don’t believe in intelligent design.
On LW everybody is free to start a new threads without having a debate about starting it. Karma votes then either show that the community likes the new thread or that it doesn’t like it. It sometimes worthwhile to express arguments for why you vote the way you do, but no group design progress is needed at the start.
It’s interesting that you ask that question will ignoring my request to define what you mean with LW.
If you would search posts that I have written on the topic, would would see that I spent many hours thinking about this topic.
Basically the only way for you to hold this misconception is by being ignorant of prior discussions on the subject on LW. The fact that you haven’t read them suggests to me that you have thought relatively little compared to the amount of thought I put into the subject.
I think having too much segregation of topic is one of the reasons why the QS forum doesn’t work (where I’m a moderator but lost this argument).
I say that as someone who did moderate a big personal development forum for 4 years and who has been asked for advice by other people starting personal development forums.
How much experience do you have in shaping online communities?
No, I don’t believe in intelligent design.
On LW everybody is free to start a new threads without having a debate about starting it. Karma votes then either show that the community likes the new thread or that it doesn’t like it. It sometimes worthwhile to express arguments for why you vote the way you do, but no group design progress is needed at the start.
Do-ocracy is a decent organisational concept.