You could also subtract properties or multiply or divide them.
More trusted adults might increase the chances that the child isn’t isolated and talks about his experiences with someone which makes them less susceptible to be a victim.
being isolated in the community or lacking a support network
a breakdown of support in child rearing from the extended family.
If your true concern is the children not getting abused it makes sense to look at the actual risk factors that the literature supports.
Children in this project might actually be less at risk because there’s a support network. The textbook says “have a strong support network” and not keep the support network small to reduce the number of trusted adults.
Do you have sources that suggests that having a larger circle of trusted adults per child increases the likelihood of getting abused?
Summation of probabilities.
You could also subtract properties or multiply or divide them.
More trusted adults might increase the chances that the child isn’t isolated and talks about his experiences with someone which makes them less susceptible to be a victim.
The WHO for example says that among the risk factors for abuse there are:
If your true concern is the children not getting abused it makes sense to look at the actual risk factors that the literature supports.
Children in this project might actually be less at risk because there’s a support network. The textbook says “have a strong support network” and not keep the support network small to reduce the number of trusted adults.