How to change Anki timezone? Where to find free online textbooks?
I’m 12 hours different now and my Anki won’t count a “new day” (to let me review my cards) until late in the day. Anyone know how to change the Anki timezone? The manual doesn’t seem to say.
And I’ve heard there are online sources of great books (EY once joked that everything worth reading was online); where can I find those?
The Next day starts at option controls when Anki should start showing the next day’s cards. The default setting of 4AM ensures that if you’re studying around midnight, you won’t have two days’ worth of cards shown to you in one session. If you stay up very late or wake up very early, you may want to adjust this to a time you’re usually sleeping.
Mnemosyne has the same thing, although I don’t think it has the Anki (mis?)behavior of adjusting for changing timezones.
How to change Anki timezone? Where to find free online textbooks?
I’m 12 hours different now and my Anki won’t count a “new day” (to let me review my cards) until late in the day. Anyone know how to change the Anki timezone? The manual doesn’t seem to say.
And I’ve heard there are online sources of great books (EY once joked that everything worth reading was online); where can I find those?
Try googling for ‘anki midnight’ or ‘anki timezone’. :
Mnemosyne has the same thing, although I don’t think it has the Anki (mis?)behavior of adjusting for changing timezones.
I don’t know how up to date these suggestions are, but maybe they’re still useful.