Just a couple of points on this discussion, which I’m sure I walked in at the middle of:
(1) One thing it illustrates is the important difference between what one “should” believe in the sense of it being prudential in some way, versus a very different notion: what has or has not been sufficiently well probed to regard as warranted (e.g., as a solution to a problem, broadly conceived). Of course, if the problem happens to be “to promote luckiness”, a well-tested solution could turn out to be “don’t demand well-testedness, but think on the bright side.”
(2) What I think is missing from some of this discussion is the importance of authenticity. Keeping up with contacts, and all the other behaviors, if performed as part of a contrived plan will backfire.
Just a couple of points on this discussion, which I’m sure I walked in at the middle of: (1) One thing it illustrates is the important difference between what one “should” believe in the sense of it being prudential in some way, versus a very different notion: what has or has not been sufficiently well probed to regard as warranted (e.g., as a solution to a problem, broadly conceived). Of course, if the problem happens to be “to promote luckiness”, a well-tested solution could turn out to be “don’t demand well-testedness, but think on the bright side.”
(2) What I think is missing from some of this discussion is the importance of authenticity. Keeping up with contacts, and all the other behaviors, if performed as part of a contrived plan will backfire.