“A bat and a ball cost $110 in total.
The bat costs $100 more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost? The answer is $10. Please enter the number 10 in the blank below. $_____”
If you look in the appendix, you’ll see we ran something similar to that, where we told them to “consider 10”. It increased solution rates from 13% to 19%.
I saw this and thought up a different version:
“A bat and a ball cost $110 in total.
The bat costs $100 more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost?
The answer is $10.
Please enter the number 10 in the blank below.
How would you answer?
If you look in the appendix, you’ll see we ran something similar to that, where we told them to “consider 10”. It increased solution rates from 13% to 19%.