I do not particularly like the high of alcohol. However, I really like Belgian beer, and it has alcohol in it, sometimes large amounts, and it’s a side effect I am willing to handle for the taste! Unfortunately, that side effect does mean I am forced to limit myself to about 3 beers in one sitting.
I wonder if you have never drank sufficiently good beer. It doesn’t have to be that expensive even, super-high end beers are much cheaper than super-high end wine. $5-7 for a normal bottle, $30 for a bottle of the best beer in the world. http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/westvleteren-abt-12/4934/
If you’re ever in Pittsburgh, I’ll buy you a real beer at the Sharp Edge.
I also admit that your point is probably correct and I am something of an outlier—and it’s really just Belgian beer that I would drink despite the alcohol; most other beer and wine and liquor is nothing special.
Pay attention, everyone. This is what it looks like when you really like drinking something, rather than its effect on your mind:
I do not particularly like the high of alcohol. However, I really like Belgian beer, and it has alcohol in it, sometimes large amounts, and it’s a side effect I am wiling to handle for the taste! Unfortunately, that side effect does mean I am forced to limit myself to about 3 beers in one sitting.
When you start running into hard limits about how much of the stuff you can consume before deleterious effects on your body, and this is a downside to you, that definitely sounds like a serious enjoyment. (That’s where I am regarding ice cream and many other sweets.)
In contrast, when there are very narrow situations in which you enjoy its “taste”, and drink “just enough” to accomplish mild relaxation when you want to, um, mildly relax, well, then I start to get skeptical.
I do not particularly like the high of alcohol. However, I really like Belgian beer, and it has alcohol in it, sometimes large amounts, and it’s a side effect I am willing to handle for the taste! Unfortunately, that side effect does mean I am forced to limit myself to about 3 beers in one sitting.
I wonder if you have never drank sufficiently good beer. It doesn’t have to be that expensive even, super-high end beers are much cheaper than super-high end wine. $5-7 for a normal bottle, $30 for a bottle of the best beer in the world. http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/westvleteren-abt-12/4934/
If you’re ever in Pittsburgh, I’ll buy you a real beer at the Sharp Edge.
I also admit that your point is probably correct and I am something of an outlier—and it’s really just Belgian beer that I would drink despite the alcohol; most other beer and wine and liquor is nothing special.
Thanks for the offer, and your input.
Pay attention, everyone. This is what it looks like when you really like drinking something, rather than its effect on your mind:
When you start running into hard limits about how much of the stuff you can consume before deleterious effects on your body, and this is a downside to you, that definitely sounds like a serious enjoyment. (That’s where I am regarding ice cream and many other sweets.)
In contrast, when there are very narrow situations in which you enjoy its “taste”, and drink “just enough” to accomplish mild relaxation when you want to, um, mildly relax, well, then I start to get skeptical.