I have a different experience with my blog. Seems no one feels comfortable commenting (or many people simply find nothing to say but seem to pass around the links enough). I move to these more obscure sites to find my audience and to have dialogue on the content/arguments. But I am not looking for students so much as teachers...people that might correct me.
Also I have learned and found of very significant writers/writings through these different social networks, that I wouldn’t have found otherwise.
I think then we can re-solve the two views by suggesting we are each looking for something and these different outlets provide different solutions, but they are complex and inextricable in regard to the reasoning for our preferences for any one.
I came to LW for these sentiments, but the hoops and protocol I have to jump through just to make a submission isn’t related to why I am here (or I don’t understand it!) ;p
I have a different experience with my blog. Seems no one feels comfortable commenting (or many people simply find nothing to say but seem to pass around the links enough). I move to these more obscure sites to find my audience and to have dialogue on the content/arguments. But I am not looking for students so much as teachers...people that might correct me.
Also I have learned and found of very significant writers/writings through these different social networks, that I wouldn’t have found otherwise.
I think then we can re-solve the two views by suggesting we are each looking for something and these different outlets provide different solutions, but they are complex and inextricable in regard to the reasoning for our preferences for any one.
I came to LW for these sentiments, but the hoops and protocol I have to jump through just to make a submission isn’t related to why I am here (or I don’t understand it!) ;p