You think conflicting terminal values don’t exist to a relevant degree because of a blog post making the point that we’re mostly identical in obvious ways? (ASPD and autism would seem -- I’m not sure what you mean by relevant—to discount conflicting terminal values not existing to a relevant degree, and then there’s enculturation/learning/environment which all affect the brain. Human universals are really cultural universals. To see human universals look towards feral children. This makes your learned values claim suspicious.)
You think conflicting terminal values don’t exist to a relevant degree because of a blog post making the point that we’re mostly identical in obvious ways? (ASPD and autism would seem -- I’m not sure what you mean by relevant—to discount conflicting terminal values not existing to a relevant degree, and then there’s enculturation/learning/environment which all affect the brain. Human universals are really cultural universals. To see human universals look towards feral children. This makes your learned values claim suspicious.)