Hm, that’s an interesting thought. Of course, we’re not talking about a council of a few voices in your head here. Voting theory results, which totally slipped my mind when writing the post, tell you that the number of voters with linear rankings needed grows something like log(N), where N is the number options you want to rank arbitrarily.
Our N is huge, so we may actually be describing the same things—I’m just calling them “rules,” and you’re calling them “agents,” essentially—although my thinking isn’t using the voting framework, so the actual implications are slightly different.
Hm, that’s an interesting thought. Of course, we’re not talking about a council of a few voices in your head here. Voting theory results, which totally slipped my mind when writing the post, tell you that the number of voters with linear rankings needed grows something like log(N), where N is the number options you want to rank arbitrarily.
Our N is huge, so we may actually be describing the same things—I’m just calling them “rules,” and you’re calling them “agents,” essentially—although my thinking isn’t using the voting framework, so the actual implications are slightly different.