If he doesn’t update, then his prediction abilities will not in the future prevent the birth of people like you, in addition to not having prevented your existence in the first place.
I’m not convinced the scenario makes much sense in the first place. Second guessing Omega doesn’t do you any good, you’ll simply find out after you make the decision that Omega predicted you correctly, but if you second guess Prometheus, you know ahead of time that you’ll prove his prediction wrong. You can precommit to one boxing Omega, in order to maximize your expected utility at the time of the choice, but there’s no point at which you can make the choice to one box in this scenario where it will increase your utility, unless you care about Prometheus preventing the existence of future individuals psychologically similar to yourself. If he doesn’t update on your decision, then two boxing won’t cause him to be more likely to prevent the existence of future two boxers.
Anyway, unless it’s correlated with other values that I have a particular stake in, I don’t care very much about the two-boxingness of past or future individuals, and he’s already failed to prevent my existence, so I don’t see that there’s a compelling reason to one box.
Explain why? I see the connection to Azathoth, but not the relevance to your decision.
If he doesn’t update, then his prediction abilities will not in the future prevent the birth of people like you, in addition to not having prevented your existence in the first place.
I’m not convinced the scenario makes much sense in the first place. Second guessing Omega doesn’t do you any good, you’ll simply find out after you make the decision that Omega predicted you correctly, but if you second guess Prometheus, you know ahead of time that you’ll prove his prediction wrong. You can precommit to one boxing Omega, in order to maximize your expected utility at the time of the choice, but there’s no point at which you can make the choice to one box in this scenario where it will increase your utility, unless you care about Prometheus preventing the existence of future individuals psychologically similar to yourself. If he doesn’t update on your decision, then two boxing won’t cause him to be more likely to prevent the existence of future two boxers.
Anyway, unless it’s correlated with other values that I have a particular stake in, I don’t care very much about the two-boxingness of past or future individuals, and he’s already failed to prevent my existence, so I don’t see that there’s a compelling reason to one box.