I love Slither Link. I’ve been solving the daily Slither Link puzzles on this tiny website for a silly number of years now, and always try to be at the top of the leaderboards. A few years ago, the site also introduced puzzles with non-rectangular grids. It took me a while to get used to them, but it turns out that most of the Slither Link rules and patterns one learns from the standard grid generalize well to arbitrary grids.
There are not many good deduction puzzle games, partially because deduction puzzles are often individual puzzles, rather than collections into games.
One type of deduction puzzle I especially like is slitherlink.
gmpuzzles.com is a great source for high quality deduction puzzles
puzz.link has a database of many free puzzles.
Simon Tantham’s Puzzles is another source to look at. (This one also has a mobile app)
I love Slither Link. I’ve been solving the daily Slither Link puzzles on this tiny website for a silly number of years now, and always try to be at the top of the leaderboards. A few years ago, the site also introduced puzzles with non-rectangular grids. It took me a while to get used to them, but it turns out that most of the Slither Link rules and patterns one learns from the standard grid generalize well to arbitrary grids.