On the other hand, maybe “mirroring” is a dynamic that develops from mutual attraction.
The term mirroring comes from NLP and is a sign of rapport that was observed to happen in therapeutic interactions. Decades later psychologists discovered the same dynamic and called it psychological mimicry.
A lot of the pickup people used to read a lot of NLP and tried to apply it.
The books’ advice tended to be: if you’re into someone, you should start mirroring her behavior
You are likely cargo-culting the books if that’s what you take away. Most of that literature does discuss issues around pacing and leading.
It’s still questionable whether that’s a good idea for dating but it’s more complex then just “mirror the other person”.
The term mirroring comes from NLP and is a sign of rapport that was observed to happen in therapeutic interactions. Decades later psychologists discovered the same dynamic and called it psychological mimicry.
A lot of the pickup people used to read a lot of NLP and tried to apply it.
You are likely cargo-culting the books if that’s what you take away. Most of that literature does discuss issues around pacing and leading.
It’s still questionable whether that’s a good idea for dating but it’s more complex then just “mirror the other person”.